Movin' it for Morton is making its exciting return with GIRLS' NIGHT OUT: Sweating, Sipping, and Shopping! The featured event will be a GLOW PARTY! Mark your calendar for the evening of Friday, September 28th as we rock out with an hour and a half of Jazzercise, sample protein shakes and fruity smoothies, and shop from local women's businesses. Proceeds from the event will be given in loving memory of our girl Sarah Elizabeth Morton. Monies will be given for clinical research at the Ovarian Cancer Research Center of Duke University to honor the lives of every woman we know and love to bring an end to ovarian cancer. A donation will also be made to the Sarah Elizabeth Morton Teach in Person Scholarship to help a college student study to be a teacher and hopefully return to Person County to teach our youth. Fighting ovarian cancer and educating our youth were very important to Sarah Elizabeth!
This event is open to all mighty women and brave men, as well.
Friday, September 28th at Southern Middle School
Shopping begins at 6:30…Jazzercising from 7 to 8:30 with shopping til 9:30.
Music and Lights by our man Gene Deese better known as D.J. Hollywood!
Please register ASAP!
Pre-registration for shirts to be picked up prior to the event is due Friday, September 14. While extra shirts will be ordered, this is the only way to ensure you'll receive one in your size.
Like our Facebook page- “Movin’ It For Morton Ovarian Cancer Jazzerthon” for more information as plans unfold.